Board of Directors

  • Randall Potter, President

    Randall has been a Home of Truth member since 1996. He has served the Home of Truth community in many ways through the years, including as a past President and Vice President. He also takes care maintenance needs of the property. He also loves to participate in Circling, which is a form of group mindfulness meditation practice using the principles of ownership language to engage in a present moment conversation from the heart.

  • Ellen Dougherty, Vice-President

    Ellen has been a member of the Home of Truth since 1987. In addition to her current term, she has also served as a past Board member and Treasurer. She is currently on the finance committee and is a member of the Worship Team. With an expertise in landscaping, she designed and lovingly maintains the church garden and grounds resulting in the beautiful plants and flowers that are enjoyed by everyone who visits or just pass by the Home of Truth.

  • Jeffrey Schwalm, Secretary

    Jeff is a long-time searcher looking for meaning in the world through reading and exchanging ideas with others. As a member of the Home of Truth, he has enjoyed and benefited from the experience and knowledge of others who also attend the Home of Truth. As a Board member, he is dedicated to ensuring that the Home of Truth community continues to be a rich environment for sharing life experiences, inner spiritual searching and personal growth.

  • Betty Morten, Treasurer

    Betty became a member of the Home of Truth 8 years ago and recently become a member of the Worship Team. She was raised in the Church of Religious Science, which shares many of the same principles as the Home of Truth. The shared teachings, beliefs and a sense of community, are what drew her to the Home of Truth. She has experience in accounting, secretarial and office management. She loves gatherings that brings her large growing family together.

  • Susan Taylor, Member-at-Large

    Susan has been a member of the Home of Truth since the fin de siècle and has served on the board four terms over the years as Vice-President and Treasurer. After retiring in 2015 she and her wife moved to Salem, Oregon where they currently reside. She has remained an active member of the Home of Truth through the wonders of Zoom allowing her to represent the Zoom community’s interests. She also contributes original poems for the newsletter.

Prayer Chaplains

  • Marilyn Flower, CPC

  • Cathy Dana, CPC

  • Barbara Snethen, CPC

After the service we are available for brief personal prayer with anyone who would like this. Attendees can also fill out prayer request cards, found in your program or seat back, and put them in the prayer box in front of the lectern. We also welcome your prayer requests via email for those who can’t join us in person. No request is too big or too small. Please email the church at and the prayer request will be forwarded to one of us. We will receive the request in sincere reverence and pray over it for 30 days as we do the ones in the prayer box in the sanctuary. 
Know right here and now that peace, abundance, healing, love and joy are shining in the vibrant Oneness of your being! Blessed be and so it is! Our prayer chaplains are also members of our worship team. The worship team coordinates our Sunday services. If you are interested in joining the worship team and/or becoming a prayer chaplain, please contact us via email.


  • Christopher Brown RScP

    is a leader of "Power of Presence" International retreats, he has been speaking at the Home Of Truth for more than five years and has facilitated monthly mindfulness inquiry gatherings at his home in Oakland for more than eight years. He has been a licensed practitioner at the Oakland Center for Spiritual Living for nine years and has gained valuable wisdom as a hospice volunteer for 10 years. But perhaps his greatest wisdom is coming from being a grandparent. He leaves you with this to ponder, "Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regrets, for I am far surer of what is kind, then I am of what is true”

  • Rita Reneaux

    was a coach and business consultant to groups and individuals in the arena of building & sustaining loving and compassionate relationships. Before joining the teachers and speakers at the Home of Truth, she studied Feminine Spirituality and Science of Mind at the Center for Spiritual Living in Dallas, TX under the guidance of Dr. Rev. Petra Weldes. She brings not only her knowledge of spiritual principles but also delivers classes and talks from her own experience of applying them in her life. She has dedicated herself to the authentic unfolding of her life as an example of spirit in action.

  • Rev. Nancy Joy Gordon

    Rev. Nancy was drawn to Home of Truth in the 1980's, after hearing about A Course in Miracles study group. New Thought teachings are in alignment with her own spiritual beliefs and participation at the Home of Truth provided inspiration for creating musical benefits, spiritual workshops, and other events. Nancy became a Reiki Master in 1993, and in 1998, an Ordained Interfaith Circle Minister. She and her fellow ministers created Interfaith services. She has served several times on the Home of Truth Board of Directors.

  • Marilyn Flower, CPC

    Marilyn’s interest in things spiritual began in 12 step recovery. Her path took her through Liberation Theology, Unitarian Universalism, and Religious Science before landing at the Home of Truth. She was trained as a Religious Science Practitioner at East Bay Church of Religious Science where she served in the Teen Ministry for 7 years. At Home of Truth she is a Certified Prayer Chaplain and chairs the Worship Team Ministry. She combines spirituality with creativity. She is a certified Soul Collage© facilitator, and is currently developing a process called, “Paint your Prayers.”

  • Cathy Dana, CPC. M.S

    Cathy is a bodyworker and hypnotherapist and is an ardent fan of Thich Nhat Hanh. She holds a black belt in aikido and is one of the first Certified Conscious Embodiment instructors, combining mindfulness and aikido centering. With a Master's degree in counseling, she has spent the last 50 years blending massage, hypnotherapy and trauma resolution to her healing practice. She has also taught classes using these healing practices. She was named Alameda’s Poet Laurette in 2017 and is dedicated to promoting the creative art of writing poetry to students, the City of Alameda and beyond.

  • Rev. Jacquelyn D. Edwards

    Reverend D. Jacquelyn Edwards is an ordained Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL) Minister. She is the Founding Minister and Spiritual Leader of Platinum Butterfly Focus Ministry, envisioning, “Creating a world in which everyone has the opportunity to thrive.” She has served as the Spiritual Leader of First Church of Religious Science, Vallejo, CA and as a founding member and Past Chair of the CSL Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. and is a founding and leadership team member of People of African Descent in New Thought Group, Inc. Her ministry emphasizes spirituality as a path to prosperity, justice, and peace.

  • Rev. Jasmine Schaeffer

    Rev. Jasmine is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley with a BS in Anthropology. She has studied New Thought Metaphysics since her late teens. She was the Associate and then Senior Minister at Home of Truth before becoming the Senior Minister at Unity of Kaua'i. She held this position for eight years and retired in 2013. She has taught many Spiritual classes for both Home of Truth and Unity

  • Rev. Deb Hammond

    has been involved with the interfaith ministry and became an ordained interfaith minister through One Spirit Seminary. She is also a Religious Science Practitioner building on the Science of Mind teachings. Since 2009, she has served as a Licensed Practitioner with Centers for Spiritual Living. Her life and work are centered on the profound belief in the inherent goodness and potential within every individual. Her passion lies in supporting others to see the best in themselves, thereby assisting in transforming their lives. Rev. Deb is a new member of Oakland Center for Spiritual Living.

  • Brother Luchan Baker

    A Ministerial intern, Bro. Luchan has been a licensed practitioner of Religious Science for 20 years. He is in his final year of ministerial school at Holmes Institute. His passion is spreading the message of peace, love, and oneness. In 2004, at the age of 23, he was the youngest-ever Religious Science practitioner. He hails from a family of New Thought ministers Rev. Eloise Oliver of East Bay Church is his grandmother, and Rev. Muata Rasuli of SF Center for Spiritual Living is his uncle.  Brother Luchan brings a youthful perspective to the pulpit from the hip-hop generation. 


  • Amy Meyers

  • Shazam

  • Nancy Iskander

  • Janine de Souza

  • Lisa Cohen

  • Meredith Spears

  • Terry Stanley