Vision Statement
The Vision of The Home of Truth Community is to -
Elevate Consciousness through Love, Healing and Spiritual Wisdom.
1. God/Infinite Intelligence/Divine Consciousness is supreme, universal and everlasting.
2. We are each an individual expression of this one Power which manifests uniquely through each being.
3. The highest spiritual principle is having a personal connection with the God of our understanding, which guides us in loving ourselves and others unconditionally
4. Our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in daily living, including prayer and other spiritual practices.
Mission Statement
The mission and purpose of the Home of Truth is to:
Co-create a spiritual community for learning and celebrating Truth Principles of unconditional love, trust, peace, compassion and joy.
Honor diversity of people, ideas and spiritual teachings and celebrate the unity that underlies all differences.
Encourage self-transformation through devotion, communication and service.
Promote the manifestation of abundance -and-
Express and share all these principles in our lives, homes, spiritual center, community and world.