A Brief History:
Founders & New Thought Pioneers
The Home of Truth has operated for over 125 years, serving the communities of San Francisco, Alameda and Oakland since 1892. After attending lectures by Emma Curtis Hopkins (who studied with Mary Baker Eddy), Annie & Harriet Rix founded the Homes of Truth and opened centers across the United States. They were prolific writers and healing teachers as well as early leaders in The New Thought approach to Spiritual Living. They each embodied what they believed. They were quite involved in the early years of Unity, founded by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. Annie traveled extensively and became acquainted with Swami Vivekananda.
Harriet Hale Rix
"You are not here to work by strenuous effort to make life. You are here under the blessing of God to live a life of wholesome, loving kindness, of success and good will towards each other, bringing out of your own nature, the Divine Self. God lives in you every moment.
If you are conscious that God is your very life and being you will not work to express it in the terms of mortal consciousness, in dollars and cents and salary."
-Rich Mentality~
Annie Rix-Militz
"Do not stop praying, but change your prayers. Pray without ceasing, pray in every right way you can think of; at last you will speak the words that reach God.
The words that are the substance out of which the answer to your prayer is made.
For this is true: Out of your own words are formed the manifestation you desire to show forth."
~ All Things Are Possible to Them That Believe~
Excerpt: A letter from Vivekananda to Mrs. F. Leggett: May 1900
"I am getting better in health and doing financially something. I am quite satisfied. I am not at all sorry that more people did not respond to your call. I knew they would not. But I am eternally thankful to you for all your kindness. May all blessings follow you and yours forever.
It is better that my mail be sent to 1231 Pine Street, c/o the Home of Truth. For though I be moving about, that place is a permanent establishment, and the people there are very kind to me."
Today, many who are simply looking for a fresh perspective (a New Thought about God) may find a home here from which to continue their spiritual journey. The Home of Truth is welcoming & affirming of all people. We believe that all Life is expressing God as that. “I Am That, I Am.” ~Exodus 3:14. We honor the founders and pioneers of the early New Thought Movement. We are a community of people committed to deepening our own experiences of the Divine, within and throughout our lives and supporting those who come to The Home of Truth.
Learn more via our Home of Truth pdf or if you’d like more information about joining us as an official member, email us at: alamedahomeoftruth@gmail.com